Tiniest Tricks for AX usability

For updates to this, please go to my new blog http://atys-gmbh.de/tiniest-tricks-for-ax-usability-2/

If you work in a system for some time you learn tricks that make it easier to use that system. Usually, you don’t even realize that you use them until you watch a new user and ask „But why don’t you …“.

So I thought I’d start a collection of some of those tiny tricks I use in AX very often. I will add to the list as I go along in my projects and notice something that might help new users.

Sort Descending in Context Menu

Day in date control

Calculator in number control

Navigate with Tab, Down Cursor or Ctrl-PgDown

Tiny Trick: Navigate with Tab, Down Cursor or Ctrl-PgDown

Tiny Trick: Navigate with Tab, Down Cursor or Ctrl-PgDown

If you navigate within a form and use the tab key, you will realize that the current value in the control is preselected. You can then directly type in the value you want to enter because the old value is automatically overwritten.

In some cases, I navigate with the mouse to „my“ control, tab out of it to the next control and tab back (hold shift), just so that I don’t have to select the text with my mouse. Weiterlesen